

编号 论文名称 第一作者 通讯作者 刊物名称 影响因子
1 CT appearances, patterns of progression, and follow-up of COVID-19: evaluation on thin-section CT 关春爽 谢汝明 Insights into Imaging 2021 5.231
2 Yangyin Fuzheng Jiedu Prescription exerts anti-tumor immunity in hepatocellular carcinoma by alleviating exhausted T cells 闫凤娜 杨志云 Phytomedicine 2021 5.34
3 Fuzheng Jiedu Xiaoji formulation inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma progression in patients by targeting the AKT/CyclinD1/p21/p27 pathway 杨雪 王宪波 Phytomedicine 2021 5.34
4 Yindan Jiedu granules exhibit anti-inflammatory effect in patients with novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by suppressing the NF-κB signaling pathway 冯颖 王宪波 Phytomedicine 2021 5.34
5 COVID-19 Cases from the First Local Outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 Variant in China May Present More Serious Clinical Features: A Prospective, Comparative Cohort Study 葛子若 陈志海 Microbiol Spectrum 2021 5.465
6 The Relationship Between Lower Respiratory Tract Microbiome and Allergic Respiratory Tract Diseases in Children 张媛媛 袁静 Front Microbiol 2021 5.64
7 Advances in Metagenomics and Its Application in Environmental Microorganisms 张璐 谢尧 frotiers in microbiology 2021 5.64
8 Developmental consequences of children born from mothers with telbivudine treatment during late pregnancy: A prospective study with 3-year follow-up 易为 李明慧 Virulence 2021 5.88
9 The novel outer membrane protein from OprD/Occ family is associated with hypervirulence of carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ST2/KL22 滑明溪 李昂 Virulence 2021 5.882
10 Distinct durability of IgM/IgG antibody responses in COVID-19 patients with differing severity 韩俊燕 毕玉海 Science China-Life Sciences 2021 6.038